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AUD $4,550 of AUD $5,000 target.


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Jo Gaines

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Jo Gaines


Marley is now 6months old and I am getting serious about my training for the Blackmores half marathon as part of the Sydney Running Festival on 21st of September 2008. I'm aiming to raise approximately $5,000 for Osteoporosis Australia and I would welcome any contribution that you could make! My grandmother is currently undergoing significant treatment for Osteoporosis, so this charity is close to my heart. I also want to educate my baby daughter on the importance of healthy bones. Without these I couldn't participate in the half marathon!

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Healthy Bones Australia (formerly Osteoporosis Australia)

Healthy Bones Australia (formerly Osteoporosis Australia) is a national charity. Our aim is to Protect, Build and Support healthy bones to improve bone health and reduce osteoporosis across Australia. We are committed to preventing over 183,000 unwanted broken bones occurring every year due to poor bone health. These have serious consequences for individuals, their families, and the healthcare system. Your support will help us deliver positive change through our national education programs, services for people living with osteoporosis and research support. Thank you for your generosity.

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